Four Spots for Firenze Aperitivo

For those unfamiliar with the concept, think happy hour meets buffet... aperitivo is bound to be your new best friend. You pay one set price for a drink (take your pick of a cocktail, wine, beer, something non-alcoholic) and it comes with a buffet. The concept of a buffet can range from some chips and... Continue Reading →

30 Thoughts [After a Semester Abroad]

The looming nostalgia is suddenly amplified; everyday, I am reminded of what I was doing this time last year when I literally lived two blocks from the Duomo. Last week I was kindly reminded by Facebook and Google Photos that it was the year year anniversary of my departure from JFK and my arrival in Florence. I thought my open letter to the... Continue Reading →

5 Things to Know Before You Order Gelato

After living in Florence for four months, I consider myself to be something of a gelato expert (check out this post about my favorite gelaterias.) While it might seem easy enough to get gelato, there are some things you should know in advance. 1. Don't be tempted by the colorful mounds: seek silver tins Any... Continue Reading →

5 Best Gelaterias in Florence

First, we need to establish two facts. Number one, ice cream and gelato are not the same. Gelato is churned at a slower rate, making it much more dense and flavorful than ice cream. Number two, Florence has the best gelato; this is probably because gelato was invented in Florence in the 16th century by... Continue Reading →

From Florence to Philly

  The out-of-sync blinking of SEPTA trains getting ready to leave their platforms, the waving of four large American flags outside of a train station that could be confused with a capital building, travelers lined up down the block waiting for their Mega and Bolt buses. This is now the life outside of my window.... Continue Reading →

Leaving Home

As my semester in Florence comes to an end, I'm filled with emotions reminiscent of my high school graduation. Things that were once mundane and unexciting are now filled with nostalgia. I'm constantly met with "this might be the last time I..." The things I walk past everyday and have never done (like the Bargello... Continue Reading →

Midterm: Reflections on Study Abroad

There's no doubt: this week was the most stressed I've been since I was getting ready to leave for Florence. Again, my travel backpack (an Osprey Farpoint 40 that I absolutely love) slowly made it's way from under my bed to the corner of the room to sitting on my bed, waiting to be meticulously... Continue Reading →

Building Interest: Florence’s National Archaeological Museum

In Florence, reminders of the Renaissance are everywhere, from art to architecture. The National Archaeological Museum offers visitors a break with Etruscan, Roman, Greek, and Egyptian archeological artifacts.Artifacts on display at the National Archaeological Museum.Despite the fact that the museum offers artifacts and insight into time periods unrepresented in Florence’s other museums, the National Archaeological... Continue Reading →

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